The first weekend of Mir Caravan 2010 begins with a play by Václav Havel in Brno, Czech Republic.
From their website:
Décidés à mettre en lumière les changements intervenus depuis la chute du rideau de fer, à continuer de questionner les frontières et les idéologies et à mettre l’accent sur la nécessité du dialogue et de la coopération interculturels dans l’Europe du 21è siècle, les initiateurs de MIR Caravane 89 reprennent la route à travers un périple artistique qui reliera Brno, Francfort-sur-Main, Villeneuve lez Avignon, Namur et Moscou durant tout l’été 2010.
Un village itinérant qui réunira les 4 coins de l’Europe, la Russie et l’Afrique! Spectacles, rencontres, mini concerts, expos, performances et autres surprises seront au programme de chacune des étapes
Convoi exceptionnel !
Babel Fish Translation:
Decided to clarify the changes occurred since the fall of the iron curtain, to continue to question the borders and the ideologies and to stress the need for the dialogue and the co-operation intercultural in Europe of the 21è century, the initiators of MIR Caravane 89 take again the road through an artistic tour which will connect Brno, Frankfurt-on-Hand, Villeneuve lez Avignon, Namur and Moscow during all of summer 2010.
An itinerant village which will join together the 4 corners of Europe, Russia and Africa! Spectacles, meetings, mini concerts, expos, performances and other surprised will be with the program of each stage. Heavy load!
They HAVE promised to send out English/Bilingual updates, and Elza Lacotte made a start on Facebook -- we'll wait for their other sites, but we'll also be laughing at Babel Fish in the meantime! Hmmm -- THIS one is fairly coherent (for Babel Fish):
Divadelní Svět Brno 2010 Czech Republic
From the 11 at June 19, 2010 IN COLLABORATION: with the Festival Theatre World Brno 2010
Theatre World Brno 2010! This international festival of theatre proposes many spectacles in the streets as on the scenes of the theatres of Brno. Spectacles, exposures and workshops for the children will strew these 5 day-events… and to finish in beauty, a procession-carnival “the Festival of the Masks”!
The event is inaugurated this year by Václav Havel.
For this weekend's schedule (in perfectly understandable French-language graphic form) GO HERE
My friends in Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater are playing Tuesday, June 15.
Details (in French) HERE