Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is This ONE NATION !?!


(L to R) Starr Cullars, Lige Curry, George Clinton, Michael "Clip" Payne along with other P-Funk All-Stars at the Lincoln Memorial on October 2, 2010 -- performing before over 100,000 people at the One Nation rally. Watch for comedians Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert there on October 30 -- vote sane, and VOTE PROGRESSIVE!

Here's a link to the source video -- the news cameras were NOT properly wired for sound, sorry to say.

Next Week In Paris:
The Improfessionals, an English-speaking improvisatory comedy group, featuring Footsbarn associate Clara McBride, are performing IMPRO-FLICKS with guests La Gata from Colombia.

Wednesday, Oct. 13th 8:30 Péniche Antipode face au 55 quai de la Seine, 19° arr, M° Riquet/Jaurès

Footsbarn in Switzerland!

Paddy Haytor LOVES his %$#@! tractor -- it is one of the characters in Sorry, That's Life.

When times were hardest, Footsbarn Theatre were aided by "...gypsies with hard cash and harder advice." They are speaking out against their country's abuse of the Roma.

Carouge, Switzerland 07 to 11 October

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