Looking Forward and Looking Around From The Middle of Chaos
Webmaster Michael has been busy preparing to move from Montana to Northern Utah -- not quite Salt Lake City, but close enough so that nobody will listen when he tells them he doesn't live there.
Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi are back from Asia!
Magpie Improvisation Summer Course July 16 to August 18 2012 -- Staff: Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi - Artistic Directors . Miri Lee - Adviser to the Artistic Directors and Organization. Mike Evans - Video, Photography and Documentation.
ALL the Programs from the Festival of Fools -- 1975 to 1984.
An online collection of the programs from the Festival of Fools -- searchable, downloadable PDFs. (Thanks to Ed Baker, Marion Onnekink, Cor Schlösser, Sherif El Safourny, and T.I.N.)
Write your OWN memories: On the BLOG or at the dedicated page on FACEBOOK !
Duck Allies
in Magpie's "Rock Casualties."
Sharon Smith was studying German -- Here is Mark Twain's comic essay: The Awful German Language.
See Sharon Smith & Felicity Croydon's amazing site maxfactory.org (Updated Flash Required)
Here's a link to her Recent Work with Tom Parkinson.
Weekly class with: Silvia Bennett (It), dancer and choreographer Monika Stepak, Shiatsu therapist and Okido Yoga docent.
Every Wednesday -- Overtoom 301 Amsterdam
Starts: 18:00 h - 20.00 h Entrance: 12.00 euro or 4 x 40.00 euro

Cosmic Dance by Sylvain Meret
Full Course: 18 January 2012 until 28 of June 2012
Global Dans Lab Amsterdam
Contact: sylvainmeret21@gmail.com / 06-14 10 23 37
Take a look at Sylvan's website too!
Every Thursday -- Sylvain Meret Cosmic dance class Studio Seven Amsterdam.

Melvin Fraenk is teaching regular Hip Hop classes at Amsterdam Dance Center too!
Rakesh MPS has moved to New Delhi!

(Photo by S.Y.)
What is Guido Van Hout Doing?
From the North Sea to the Mediterranean:

Chris Torch is in motion!
For more info about CORNERS et cetera -- see INTERCULT (Sweden)
Barsham Fair and Albion Fair, East Anglia UK
(From a photo supplied by Johnny Melville)
CONTEXT: Barsham Faire is where George-O first met Johnny Melville, which eventually led to Kaboodle and Salatka Balloon Band coming to Amsterdam's Festival of Fools.
There is quite an active group documenting these East Anglian Fairs!
They made an informative Website,
but are collaborating on said exhibition via their blog HERE
Speaking of Friends (Roadshow and Mobile): Davey Norket is featuring The Friends Story: 'According to Dave' on his already-fun Website! (Click on the letter "U" to go forward, or "T" to go back.)
Friends Roadshow veteran Ted Van Zetphen published a book of poetry by him, and the late Svetlana Marisova:

Footsbarn Theatre & Fellow Travelers:

Indian Tempest, a show combining actors and musicians from Europe and India, has already begun to emerge. After three weeks in January of residence in Abhinaya Theatre Village, Trivandrum (Kerala), all actors, musicians, technicians and administrators Footsbarn are in Guimarães, Potugal for a three-months-long residence as part of the European Capital of Culture 2012.
The show will be created late May in Guimarães, then go on the roads of France, England, and the Netherlands before going to India, where it will tour for nearly four months. If all goes as planned, the tour will see the achievement of Dream To Tour India In A Tent.
GREAT Historical Photos of Footsbarn by Jean-Pierre Estournet
Dublin, Ireland 14 June to 16 June at 20:00h - Indian Tempest at Trinity College Front square (open air) presented by Trinity College Shakespeare Festival reservations: +353 (0)1 896 2242 www.dublinshakespeare.com
Brioux sur Boutonne, France 30 June at 22:00h - Indian Tempest 01 July at 22:00h - Indian Tempest at Festival au Village presented by Festival au Village reservations: festivalauvillage@free.fr www.festivalauvillage.free.fr/
Villeneuve-lez-Avignon (84), France 06 July at 20:30h - Indian Tempest 25 July at 20:30h - Indian Tempest at Plaine de l'Abbaye (in the footsbarn tent) presented by Festival Villeneuve en Scène reservations: +33(0)4 32 75 15 95 www.villeneuve-en-scene.fr
(John Kilby's Itinerant Festival)
Footsbarn's extended family/relatives Ton and Kirschen toured in Colombia:

John Kilby has organized another Festival of Itinerant Theatre
(Only in French I'm afraid)
It's 5 kilometres from Avignon - definitely disreputable, says John.
Footsbarn veteran Daniel Rovai was "Down Under" -- check out his movie Silent Sonata. (Slow Loader)
Karen Quest relays this message: The Maestra is in! Judy Finelli is teaching a class! Learn to Juggle or Advance to the Next Level City College of San Francisco at Fort Mason Building B, 415.561.1860 Four Saturdays in June and July: 6/30, 7/7, 7/14, 7/21, 1:00-4:00pm Learn from a master teacher with over 40 years experience Learn the 4000 year history of juggling, see videos of great jugglers, learn fun facts and amaze yourself! Increase grey and white brain cells (true!), get some exercise and have some fun! Balls, Rings, Clubs and ? $80 if registered 1 week before class starts, otherwise $95. What a deal! If someone wants to register for this class try 415.561.1860. That number is City College of SF registration.
Addedum: A rare opportunity to study with a master: Juggling Classes! Want to exercise and increase your brain cells? Learn the 4000 year old pastime of juggling! Impress your friends/family/enemies. Saturdays ˆ 7/14, 7/21, 7/28, 8/4. From 2 PM to 4 PM. At the Sons of Cayuga Studio, 915 Cayuga at Ocean, San Francisco. Learn the history, see the DVDs, juggle like crazy. Ages 9-99. To register: 415. 832. 0408. $20/per class. The instructor, Judy Finelli, has 40+ years experience teaching/performing/directing acts.
French FB allies The Improfessionals are in Paris -- Clara McBride is playing on same the role Eavan Brennan and Natalie Portman are playing.
The formidable ladies of Dublin, Ireland are still performing around the capitol city, while Roseanne Lynch visits Moscow.
Christine Beep Beep is DJ'ing at Dice Bar. Rachel Brady is scheduled to dance, act, and sing in Bob Fosse's Burlesque-inspired Chicago.
Footsbarn/Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe Alumnus Gregg Moore Gregg has unlocked his musical vaults:
Look and listen on Relevant Music.
Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe; Friends Big Band; Available Jelly; and even MOORE to come.
Gregg Moore has earned a Masters Degree in Education from Harvard University.
Link to Harvard Gazette Article
Nouveau Clowns
Barcelona's Kras Pataklan administrates a Facebook page alerting all and sundry to performances of the Worldwide Baggy Pants Krewe called Clowns On The Road AKA (EN EL CAMÍ/EN EL CAMINO).
Get your translating pages ready though -- the posts can be in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Italian, German or even English!
Karin "Pipa" Wimmer and Sorcas Quircas are de-winterizing near Munich.

Jango's Marathon -- Victory Lap
More Nouveau Clowning
2012 - The Clown Tribe of a New Paradigm is a unique opportunity to train for 10 days with two of the leading teachers of the N.C.I., Johnny Melville & Jango Edwards - who are veterans of stage and screen with thousands of hours of performing experience and success, and who still perform around the globe as comedy surges through their blood and love through their hearts.
Late July and Early August!
Barcelona (Spain) C/Tallers, 55 http://workshopwall.com/
Info and reservations: Cristina -- nouveauclown@gmail.com
T-0034 661111127
More Nouveau Clown Institute Classes:
The Clown Theory -- May 14th to 18th Jango Edwards
(Friends Roadshow veteran and N.C.I. Founder)
Physical Comedy -- June 12th to 17th John Towsend (Co-founder, with Audrey Crabtree, of the NYC Physical Comedy Lab)
Info and reservations Cristina nouveauclown@gmail.com T-0034 661111127
THE NEVER ENDING JANGO -- A film by Nortik Studios (Switzerland)
Check out their Website !
Johnny Melville and Jango Edwards continue to fool around the cinema. Check out Parade of Fools for the latest on their movie!
Quoth Johnny Melville: This was the first poster with Franki Anderson and Bob Stratton in 1977 - Strombo the Maniac (Tim Robinson) is on the right - he was Guinness world record holder for lying on a bed of nails when he tragically died in a car accident. This was from the Zacynthos island theatre festival in 1978 when they flew me into do COME AGAIN - my first solo show with Doug Balfour - the group (by now different from the poster) arrived by truck to play MONKEY which I directed....and Breno Moroni starred as the MONKEY KING and was he GOOD.....!!!!
Quoting Ewa Neal: Those of us who arrived by van had traveled from Edinburgh festival via London, through France where the van broke down on the border to Italy. We endured a hairy ride, towed down the mountain at speed and had to spend the night in a small ... When we eventually arrived at our destination John told us he had been woken up by an earthquake and we found out that we had our first perfomance of our 'medieval show' the very same night. We rehearsed the whole day to put the show together and as time was short Breno never found the time to pick out the shards of glass from the larger pieces for our 'lying-on-a-bed-of-glass', while I did a handstand on top of him stunt. The show was crazy - all the villagers brought their own chairs to watch the performance. They had built a wooden stage next to the church Ross managed to put a big hole in with a sledgehammer while demonstrating that it was a real and very heavy one (the sledgehammer that is). Breno cut his back on the glass shards and all the time these flashes of lightning without claps lit up the night. Everything felt electric including the show. It was the strangest gig ever.

Across The Blue Horizon ...
Percussionist Linda Anton Curtis continues to play Salsa Music every month, and goes dancing at the Gold Coast in Florida USA. (She also goes country dancing at the Round Up.)
Linda's friend and fellow Festival of Fools artist Ellen Beier illustrated a book titled The Christmas Coat. Look at her work HERE!
Stuart Curtis performs regularly with the Hilltop Band and others in Corvallis, Oregon USA.
Paul Blackwell completed a series of Singalong Concerts in the San Francisco area, and is rehearsing with a Blues-Rock band.
Stuart's satellite page about the Hamburg production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats is LINKED on the Outline and Scrapbook page of the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe Saga -- See the
Handy http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifTable of Contents.
Don't forget the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus:

In New York, the Bindlestiffs will be representing with a learn-to-juggle area, and a low tight wire you can try, in honor of Nik Wallenda's historic Niagara Falls walk at Night In The Park June 20!
Nina (Bird Woman) Cheney on the Eagle Optics Blog.

A deeper blue lies across the blue horizon:
Treat yourself to Justin Hunter Case in Sydney, Australia!

Werner Herzog's Cave of Forgotten Dreams, features music by friends Sean Bergin and Ernst Reiseger! MORE INFO HERE
Classic Parliament-Funkadelic & Funky Disciples:
Shaunna Hall's Electrofunkadelica -- Tune in and listen while you surf the 'Net!
Besides the P-Funk All-Stars, keep your eyes open for the Eric McFadden Trio and RonKat Spearman's Katdelic from San Francisco; Graceful dancer Rasa Vitalia around The 'Bay; Kim Manning from the West Coast; Richie "Shakin" Nagan and the 420 Funk Mob out of New York. Freekbass touring out of Cincinnati, home of community activist William (Bootsy) Collins; PFAS lead singer Steve Boyd's solo work; Caddy Carol & Gabe (420) Gonzales gigging out of Detroit; Maceo Parker (Everywhere); DJ Soul Sister in New Orleans; Lady Miss Kier Kirby out of NYC -- touring in Europe this spring!

(This blog continues to be be updated after the initial publication date.)