Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy 2014 !!

A Year Passes Like Nothing

Art by Gilbert Shelton and Édouard Manet

Thank you, persistent readers!
I appreciate your support during 2013 and 2014, especially since I haven't updated this blog since last spring.

Reason Number One:

Webmaster Michael is heavily involved with a historical site centered on the Alternative Scene in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Cosmic Aeroplane Memorabilia

I make sure that the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe gets every appropriate mention, though!

Reason Number Two:

Michael spent another fabulous summer in Amsterdam assisting Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi with the Magpie Improvisational Workshop and Orgelpark Workshop.

Freakatoni's Witchy Weekends
(Videos of weekend performances at Studio Seven.)

Michael also showed 10 minute excerpts of Magpie videos on the full-sized screen at the Tower Theater, sponsored by the Salt Lake Film Society:

Katie, Justin, and Alfredo in San Francisco 2013
Christina and the City (San Francisco 2013)
Amsterdam Magpies at Orgelpark 2013

See the full hour-long Orgelpark performance HERE

Katie Duck's New Website is chock-full of videos. past and present, plus her biography and current agenda.

As of this writing, Katie and Alfredo Genovesi are traveling to India.
Katie will be doing a couple of solo workshops in the USA during May of 2014, including a history-making weekend in Salt Lake City, where the Mime Troupe first formed while we attended the University of Utah.

I have used the ubiquitous Facebook to try and keep up with the ever-evolving creative scene that touched on the old Festival of Fools. It is a lot easier to use than Blogger's interface, sad to say, and I can't promise when I'll update this page again, since I'll be busy continuing the work I started up above. However, I'll attempt a precis of some other artists and their activities down below:

Duck Allies

Miri Lee, Manuela Tessi, Julyen Hamilton, Vincent Cacalano, and Melvin Fraenk did remarkable performances at Amsterdam's OT 301.
Iris Van Peppin and Susan Van Den Berg did amazing improvisatory pieces elsewhere in Holland.
Gob Squad toured extensively in and out of Germany and made a movie out of one of their productions.
Ewan Downie and Anna Porubcansky did wonderful work from their base in Glasgow, Scotland.
Thalia Laric won an award in South Africa.
Jayna Cavendish, Abhilash Ningapa, Rakesh Sukesh, Mohan Nair, Chandana Sarma, and Swati Mohan traveled back and forth between India and the West. Sylvain Meret and Wendell Cooper were all over the globe!

The Footsbarn Family ...

... tours Europe and South America.

Footsbarn Traveling Theatre

Ton und Kirschen Wandertheater

Daniel Rovai alternates between Europe and Australia, sometimes working with Stan Haywood. Julie Biereye stars in her own band "White Crocodile." Rod Goodall is a producer in Galway, Ireland.

Nouveau Clowns

New York's John Towsen posted a remarkable guest-blog about the 1974 International Mime Festival, with drawings and words by Webmaster Michael, and several people of much greater prominence. John's Physical Comedy blog is one of the best on the Internet.

Pat Cashin does the New Captain Kangaroo in NYC. Mandy Dalton holds forth in Washington DC. Brian Bernhard moved to Los Angeles, and started winning awards for his clown documentaries. Karin Pipa Angermeyer is re-establishing herself in Germany. Johnny Melville has been enjoying summers in the Southern and Northern Hemispheres. Jango Edwards was bouncing around Europe and found himself bounced back home to Michigan temporarily before returning to Barcelona and the N.C.I. Former Friends Roadshow stalwarts Davey Norket, Ced Curtis, and Michael Colone have all played in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Across the Blue Horizon

Karen Quest performs at fairgrounds throughout the USA. Pete Weir makes England a bit more "Merrie," and his ole mate Justin Case does the same in Australia. Patsy Droubay teaches and performs in Salt Lake City. Paul Blackwell makes his well-crafted music in the East Bay. Debra Ryals, Matthew Child and Jan Fogel are doing various things in California. Gregg Moore plays and teaches in Arcata, California. David Carrillo lives on the East Coast of the USA. Alan "Gunga" Purves has been doing Music Education in Holland. (Michael Vatcher, Jimmy Sernesky, and Michael Moore continue to live and work there too.)


Gone too soon -- Our bandmate Stuart Curtis (1954-2012)

In Memoriam: George Kugler

(Thanks to Johnny Melville)


Look and listen to Gregg Moore's Ratty Old Tapes on Relevant Music. Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe (with Stuart!); Friends Big Band; Available Jelly; and even MOORE to come.

Funky Fellow Travelers

The wonderful Bindlestiff Family Cirkus advances the Variety Arts in New York.
West Coast Funkateers Katdelic and Rasa Vitalia are still shaking things up in San Francisco!
Webmaster Michael caught up with George Clinton and the P-Funk All-Stars at the Paradiso in Amsterdam.
Salt Lake's musical outlaws MiNX recruited Michael's pencil for Sketch Cabaret, rocked the Utah Arts Festival, and made two ever-funkier CD's in less than a year!

Michael's E-Portfolio

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Springing between America and Amsterdam

After San Francisco: Mexico, San Diego,
and one more by The 'Bay:

Katie and Alfredo at Market and Grove Streets
Downtown San Francisco

Webmaster Michael got off the train and shot this video at Noisebridge Hacker Space in the Mission District of San Francisco:

Katie Duck, Justin Morrison, Christina Bonansea Saulut, and Alfredo Genovesi at "Hacker Space" March 30, 2013.

On Sunday April 28:
Freakatoni Witchy Sundays Single studio Eerste Nassaustraat 7 Amsterdam Doors open 19:00, performance begins 19:30, short break after the first set, €5 entrance fee
Set 1 Performance/dance: Katie Duck Music: Alfredo Genovesi / 10-15 minutes Performance/Dance: Carla Bahal / 10-15 minutes
Set 2 Music: Martin van Leusden (Drum), Jan Nijdam (Contrabass), FelicityProvan (Trumpet, Voice) / 30 minutes Dance: Miri Lee / 30 minutes
Duck Allies:
The ICP Orchestra played long, well, and loudly in Oakland on April 4, 2013:
Ab Baars - clarinet/sax; Toby Delius - clarinet/sax; Michael Moore - clarinet/sax; Wolter Wierbos - trombone; Thomas Heberer - trumpet; Mary Oliver - violin; Tristan Honsinger - cello; Ernst Glerum - bass; Han Bennink - drums;
Duende Club -- between Telegraph and Broadway on 19th Street in Oakland.

Matthew Child was also at the Duende Club that night. Paul Blackwell, Jan Fogel, and Michael Evans were there too, listening to that New Dutch Swing. All those ex-Mime Troupers in the immediate Bay during the week got to see and talk with Katie again. Christina Bonansea repeatedly performed with Katie, Justin Morrison, and Alfredo. She first publicly danced "with" Katie via Google Plus last winter in a live link-up between Amsterdam and San Francisco.
Justin is working on a performance called Weapon.
Christina is rehearsing for The Annex in San Francisco.
Sharon Smith, and Gob Squad, have been touring Canada, Australia, the UK, and (gasp) Germany!
Melvin Fraenk has been teaching and performing at Amsterdam Dance Centre.
Jaina Cavendish has been teaching in London.
Thalia Laric has been theatrically active in Cape Town, South Africa.
Abhilash Ningapa has been his own hard-working self in Bangalore, India.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gone too soon -- Our bandmate Stuart Curtis (1954-2012)


Look and listen to Gregg Moore's "Ratty Old Tapes" on Relevant Music. Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe (with Stuart!); Friends Big Band; Available Jelly; and even MOORE to come.

Whither/whereabouts of our other Ex-Troupers: Patsy Droubay, Barbara McCarthy, Hillary Elmore Carrier, Steve Rasmussen -- Utah; Debra Ryals, Gregg Moore, Jim Anderson, Jan Jaap Dekker -- California; David Carrillo -- Virginia; Mark Nelson -- Oregon/Hawaii; Evy Tessman -- Florida; Barbara Doherty -- Australia; Sharon Landau, Pete Wear -- England; Jimmy Sernesky, Jodi Gilbert, Michael Moore, Ernst Reiseger, Alan Purves -- Netherlands; Dan Robert -- NYC (1970's) John Fischer -- Michigan (1990's) David Zupan -- California (1980's) Wendy Loring, Amy Osgood, Nancy Lyon (USA, unknown); Deceased: George Kugler, Becky Berenson.

Footsbarn Theatre
The Indian Tempest is booked into the Globe Theatre in Central London from late July 29 to August 3, 2013. Some of the extended Footsbarn family also did:
Les ANTLIACLASTES à PARIS -- 16 through 27 April 2013 - Patrick Sims, Josephine Biereye, Zana Goodall
Ton und Kirschen toured in warm Colombia, South America over the winter.

Nouveau Clowns
N.C.I. Clown Master Class and Comic Formulas April 28th - May 26th 2013 Barcelona, Catalonia:

Jango is undertaking The Resurrection of Cabaret Cabron
Stan repeatedly explores different venues!
John Towsen's wonderfully fun Craft and Art of Physical Comedy

Karin 'Pipa' Angermeyer is bravely making Theatrical Art in the teeth of the worst recession of our lives!

Johnny Melville had a busy Summer in South America before returning to Spring in Europe!

Yaya Claudia Fuentes is performing in Chile.
Claudia Cantone was performing Cabaret Delicioso in Barcelona, Spain.
Cowgirl Karen Quest is striding the Western USA on her stilts, swinging a skillful lariat too!
Mandy Dalton is bringing laughs where they're needed -- in the Washington D.C. area.
Brian A. Bernhard, filmmaker of A Fool's Idea - An Exploration of Clown, won an Emmy Award!
Justin Case is still making award-winning films in Australia.
The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus presented its Cabaret in New York City, and also generously hosted touring Ringling Brothers clowns at the Bindlestiff's home base in Hudson, New York.

Funky Fellow Travelers
Jazz Fest in New Orleans featured P-Funk Mobsters from George Clinton to DJ Soul Sister, as well as RonKat, Eric McFadden, and Gabe Gonzales!

My friend, Cordell "Boogie" Mosson (1952-2013) Rest In Power!
Art by Overton Loyd


Webmaster Michael's E-Portfolio -- Check out DANCE HISTORIES!

(This blog continues to be be updated after the initial publication date.)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Special Edition -- Katie in San Francisco and Mexico!

San Francisco: March 30 to April 6

"California, here we come!"

KUNST-STOFF Arts -- 1 Grove Street, San Francisco, California 94102 Tel: 415.777.0172

Webmaster Michael will be on hand for video -- only in San Francisco.

Katie & Alfredo in Guadalajara:

A photo from the B&W past -- ain't Alfredo!

Facebook Page (In Spanish):

From 8 to 13 of April -- Escuela de Artes Plásticas del CUAAD / Belén 120 esquina con calle Juan Manuel - Centro

BLOG (in Spanish):

Katie & Alfredo in Mexico City:

Oh, THERE'S Alfredo, and that hard-working wig!

15 to 22 of April, 2013; 5pm to 9pm -- Realizando Ideas Nuevo León #46, Condesa,

Facebook Page (In Spanish):


The ICP Orchestra, based in Holland, will play across the Bay in Oakland on April 4, 2013 -- an amazing coincidence!
Ab Baars - clarinet/sax; Toby Delius - clarinet/sax; Michael Moore - clarinet/sax; Wolter Wierbos - trombone; Thomas Heberer - trumpet; Mary Oliver - violin; Tristan Honsinger - cello; Ernst Glerum - bass; Han Bennink - drums;
Duende Club -- between Telegraph and Broadway on 19th Street.

Webmaster Michael's E-Portfolio -- Check out DANCE HISTORIES!

(This blog continues to be be updated after the initial publication date.)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Winter Calls for the Moving Truck

Autumn says: Not until the Solstice!

ALL the Programs from the Festival of Fools -- 1975 to 1984.
An online collection of the programs from the Festival of Fools -- searchable, downloadable PDFs. (Thanks to Ed Baker, Marion Onnekink, Cor Schlösser, Sherif El Safourny, and T.I.N.)

(L to R) Webmaster Michael and Suzette Bronkhorst prepping for the first Amsterdam Festival of Fools in the old Theaterzaal at De Melkweg-- May 1975.

THIS Duck is flying North soon:

In.Da.Work.S presents: Improvisation workshop with (Magpie) Katie Duck (dance/performance) and Alfredo Genovesi (musician/performance)
For Professional performers and musicians or students in pro training / Venue in Glasgow TBC Price: £90/ student £80 / early bird discount -- if booked before October 15 (£80 full price / £70 students) November 23, 24, 25 Friday 18:00 to 21:00 / Saturday and Sunday 11:00 to 17:00 / The workshop will end with an informal showing in the venue.
Interested? Contact:

Katie and Alfredo were in Falmouth, England in early December, doing work related to the University there.

The Magpie Xmas course (December 28, 29, 30) in Amsterdam was cancelled.

January 25, 26, 27 workshop Dansimprovisatie Utrecht, Holland Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi. Workshop leads toward a performance on the 27th. To register go to:

Duck Allies

Sharon Smith and Gob Squad have started a new production called Dancing About. They are also doing Before Your Very Eyes in Paris.

OT301 -- Thursday, November 29, 2012 9:00pm
A night of usual and unusual pairs of dancers and musicians:
Lights: Ellen Knops With: Melvin Fraenk/dance+ Mikael Szafirowski/guitar Kateřina Dietzová/dance+Jong Kak Park(Kagi) electronics Nora Mulder/piano, cymbalum +Miri Lee/dance Makiko Ito/dance+Jelte van Andel/double bass Arvind Ganga/guitar+ Manuela Lucia Tessi/dance Thomas Johannsen/dance+Kim Jose Bode/recorders Renato Ferreira/double bass+Tom Goldhand/dance Malgorzata Haduch/dance+ Wilbert de Joode/double bass Laryssa Kim/vocals and performance+Alfredo Genovesi/guitar

Manuela Tessi -- Dancer, and administrator at OT301.

"Lucht" a Choreography by Miri Lee.
Muiderpoort theatre Amsterdam 
20:30 December 14

Dance: Miri Lee and Manuela Tessi
Music: Jong Kag Park
Lighting: Emese Csornai

Iris van Peppen leads a dance improvisation company in Utrecht, and she shot this wonderful photo featuring Magpie collaborator, Susan Van Den Berg:

Thalia Laric: ‎"Read the Moment" An Interdisciplinary Improvisation Performance in collaboration with Rhodes Drama department, ILAM and Rhodes department of Journalism and Fine Art 7pm Tuesday 13 November (Cape Town, South Africa)

Contemporary Dance Workshop in Bangalore with Georgiana Cavendish

Weekday Workshop: 12th,14th,19th and 21st december (3:45 to 4:45 pm) Weekend Workshop: 15th, 16th, 22nd and 23rd dec( 10:30 to 11:30 am
Connect Studio, 5th Floor, Sona towers, Millers Road, Bangalore

Jayna trained in Ballet and Contemporary dance at the Rambert School in London ... Her interests have led her to live and work in the UK, Germany, Spain, Italy, New York and India where she has continued her studies in dance, improvisation, contact improvisation and music. Jayna is also a singer and vocalist. Her interests lie mainly in improvisation and collaboration.
Contemporary Class: I teach a release based contemporary class with influences from somatic technique and floor work ... The movement material is built on spirals, flow and off balance. Music, rhythm and dynamic is emphasised to promote individuality and bring playfulness into our dance.
Improvisation Class: The aim of this class is to open paths to explore our individual body knowledge and intuitive responses to being in the moment ... Simple structures will allow us time to develop our personal dance and find freedom within our movement, whilst providing a platform for spontaneity to arise.

Maria Mavridou

Anna Porubcansky
COMPANY OF WOLVES WINTER TRAINING 2013 -- Singing Bodies, Moving Voices: An intensive eight-day physical theatre workshop. 11-18 January 2013, Kinning Park Complex, Glasgow (6pm start on first day, 11am-6pm all other days) Cost: £300
Led by Ewan Downie and Anna Porubcansky
The Winter Training is an opportunity to explore the process of developing an embodied performance practice in a rigorous, playful and supportive environment. Ewan is an award-winning director, writer and actor. He is co-artistic director of Company of Wolves and has been a member of Poland's renowned Song of the Goat Theatre since 2006. Ewan has worked worldwide as a director, teacher and performer in improvisation, devised, physical and text-based theatre. Anna is a performer and teacher specializing in the connection between body, breath and voice. She works in choral, traditional and improvisational song and composition, and has trained with Kristin Linklater, Jonathan Hart Makwaia (Roy Hart Theatre), and Katie Duck. She is co-artistic director of Company of Wolves.

To apply for a place please write to

Julyen Hamilton

Wendell Cooper was a long way from NYC -- in Nairobi, Kenya!

Footsbarn Theatre & Associates

Footsbarn is booked into the New Globe Theatre in London next year for The Indian Tempest

The Improfessionals of Paris are well into their season, with Clara McBride (R) back in the lineup after giving birth last Winter.

Daniel Rovai, Jimmy Sernesky, Stan Haywood, and other veteran Fools continue to liven up the Palace of Depression:

The Awesome Ladies of Dublin (see Christine's pic below) now temporarily include visiting Nouveau Clown Karin "Pipa" Angermeyer.

Nouveau Clowns

Johnny Melville is teaching and performing in South America:

Antipodal Johnny

... off to play in the first Santiago Street Theatre Festival (Chile) Workshop 27-28-29, then shows 30 nov/1 dec. Then 2-9 dec playing in Festival Anos de Picadeiro in RIO. Return to street festival Valparaiso 26-29 dec. Santiago 5-8; Cisco street festival 21-23 jan. Patoclown Festival Argentina in Bolson, and some more performances. Vals - 13 April workshop in Vals (Catalan) - april 20-28 (Then we make a short film from that.) Italy Torino workshop either before or after.

Justin Case is still making films in Sydney, Australia.

Enclownadas BufonClown -- Claudia Cantone and Daniela ConTe

TEATRO EL MONTACARGAS" C/Antillon 19 - MADRID Fechas: 22-23-24 de Noviembre a las 21,00h

Jango keeps rolling down THE ROAD

Stan Edwards in Turin, Italy 2012.

Sean Bergin (1948 - 2012)

Here's Sean, holding his daughter Thembi, at Friends Farm near Milan Michigan circa 1975, with Stanley Ted Edwards, Michael Novotny, and an un-named neighbor:

Too soon -- Stuart Curtis (1954-2012)

Martha Curtis: I was never more proud and moved than to hear my nephews Sam and Charles speak so beautifully at their father's memorial service. They are both such brave, loving, and bright men, and I am so blessed they are in my life.

Susannah Dole wrote: Here are just SOME of the bands Stuart Curtis has played with: 1. El Kabong Orchestra; 2. Guten Zeiten Band; 3. Mango Django; 4. Suzannah Doyle Trio; 5. Hilltop Big Band; 6. Heartland Big Band; 7. Salem Big Band; 8. Yachats Big Band; 9. Calamity Jazz; 10. Svens; 11. Oregon Coast Chamber Orchestra; 12. Available Jelly; -- which ones have I overlooked? :-) Kim Berry: Don't forget the band who adored him, the New Horizon's Band...he would always play clarinet if I asked him to... Michael Evans: Stuart was half the duo at the core of Great SL Mime Troupe's original full-time band, along with Paul Blackwell, in the summer of 1973. Stuart also performed at the International Mime Festival in 1974, and went to Europe with us all in 1975, alongside musicians Jan Fogel, John Fischer, David Carrillo, and Gregg Moore. Curtis also played with the Mime Troupe during Amsterdam's Festival of Fools in 1976, 1977, and 1978 -- the last of which introduced the long-running ensemble Available Jelly to the world. He worked with ex-Troupers Patsy Droubay, Debra Ryals, Hillary Elmore, and Jan Jaap Decker as part of the Creative Graffiti theater group in Salt Lake City, and after additional stints with Mainstream, The Jordan River Uptown Band, and the John Fischer Group he returned to Europe -- performing in Hamburg, Germany with the orchestra for Andrew Lloyd Weber's long-running musical Cats for over a deca The Mime Troupe's band split with the group in 1976, and called themselves "Expression" until 1977. Stu also was part of Friends Big Band (with Gregg Moore), that did arrangements by drummer Paul Holland. Ellen Beier told me about Stuart playing with a German Clarinet Ensemble too. Of course, Stuart also jammed with the late Sean Bergin of Friends Roadshow etc. etc. and was recruited for a gig or two with Jango Edwards (Full Moon Band). I heard Stuart doing a guest spot with the fabulous singer Liz Draper in Salt Lake City circa 1983 -- the LZ5 with Phil Miller (sax), and brilliant Julie Leuders (who left us too soon) on drums. Patricia Nelson Feltmann: I think he also played in Albany Swing Band. Rob Birdwell: Corvallis Community Theatre musicals, The Blowholes, combo gigs of all types... Colleen Dick: I saw him on a few occasions sitting in with the Rough Jazz Melvyn Garcia: Lincoln Pops Orchestra John Bliss: Stuart joined in with the Xtet several times at Bombs Away.

Trouper Gregg Moore, with his still-new Masters Degree from Harvard, is teaching around Arcata, California!

Look and listen to Gregg's "Ratty Old Tapes" on Relevant Music.
Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe (with Stuart!); Friends Big Band; Available Jelly; and even MOORE to come.

A Tradition Continues

Pat Droubay is performing mime-plays based on Dr. Seuss classics, with a storyteller and musician at various venues and ski resorts around Northern Utah.

Across the Blue Horizon

Cowgirl Tricks' Karen Quest toured the fairgrounds of the hot dry Western USA all summer and into the Autumn -- phoned me as she was passing my place in Utah.

Take a look at Cowgirl Tricks' Over Herd page.
Check out scholar John Towsen's wonderfully fun Craft and Art of Physical Comedy

The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus are touring the Eastern USA, and running their variety cabaret at Dixon Place in New York. They escaped the worst of Hurricane Sandy, but the NE United States was hit very hard by that storm.

Keith (Bindlestiff) Nelson and Rob Hicman are riding unicycles from one end of the Florida Keys to the other in early December 2012!

Percussionist Linda Anton Curtis dances in Florida:

Mandy Dalton and the Washington D.C. Clown's Cabaret are doing great work in the National Capitol too!

Classic Parliament-Funkadelic & Funky Disciples:

Funk Watching Time!

Shaunna Hall's Electrofunkadelica -- Tune in and listen while you surf the 'Net!

Besides the P-Funk All-Stars, keep your eyes open for the Eric McFadden Trio and RonKat Spearman's Katdelic from San Francisco; Graceful dancer Rasa Vitalia around The 'Bay; Kim Manning from the West Coast; Richie "Shakin" Nagan and the 420 Funk Mob out of New York. Freekbass touring out of Cincinnati, home of community activist William (Bootsy) Collins; PFAS lead singer Steve Boyd's solo work; Caddy Carol & Gabe (420) Gonzales gigging out of Detroit; Maceo Parker (Everywhere); DJ Soul Sister in New Orleans; Lady Miss Kier Kirby out of NYC -- touring in Europe this spring!

Webmaster Michael's E-Portfolio -- Check out DANCE HISTORIES!

(This blog continues to be be updated after the initial publication date.)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

November Changes

Leaves have fallen ...

This will be a fairly short post.

Saxophonist/Clarinetist and all-round reed & horn man Stuart Curtis suddenly died while at his place of employment as a night shift nurse in the early AM of November 6, 2012. His co-workers report that he was laughing just before his fatal collapse.

Stuart was half the duo at the core of Great SL Mime Troupe's original full-time band, along with Paul Blackwell, in the summer of 1973. Stuart also performed at the International Mime Festival in 1974, and went to Europe with us all in 1975, alongside musicians Jan Fogel, John Fischer, David Carrillo, and Gregg Moore. Curtis also played with the Mime Troupe during Amsterdam's Festival of Fools in 1976, 1977, and 1978 -- the last of which introduced the long-running ensemble Available Jelly to the world.
He worked with ex-Troupers Patsy Droubay, Debra Ryals, Hillary Elmore, and Jan Jaap Decker as part of the Creative Graffiti theater group in Salt Lake City, and after additional stints with Mainstream, The Jordan River Uptown Band, and the John Fischer Group he returned to Europe -- performing in Hamburg, Germany with the orchestra for Andrew Lloyd Weber's long-running musical Cats for over a decade. See the link HERE.
He lived in Corvallis, Oregon through the 2000's, performing music regularly.

Stu Curtis in Italy circa 1977, from a photo supplied by Gregg Moore.

His friend Susan Doyle writes:

Stuart Curtis touched the lives of many of us with his masterful music, sense of humor, and his gentle, caring spirit. We invite you all to join us in a celebration of his life on Friday, November 9, 6:30-8:30 at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Corvallis, 2945 NW Circle Blvd. Corvallis, Oregon USA. You are invited to bring a potluck dish and/or a (non-alcoholic) beverage to share. We will gather in the Fellowship Hall after the memorial service to socialize and share a meal. Musicians who would like to honor their connection with Stu by performing a song or two, please contact Suz Doyle ( who will be coordinating the flow of the service. Anyone who has photos, video or audio files they would like to contribute to a digital presentation for everyone's enjoyment, please email them to Sue Crawford (

Friday, October 5, 2012

Autumn In The Northern Hemisphere!

Webmaster Michael Is Out Walking

After that's done, he'll tell about: Magpie's Summer Workshops; Sharon Smith & Gob Squad's visit to the West Coast (Best Coast) of the USA; Footsbarn Theatre; Nouveau Clowns like Jango Edwards, Johnny Melville, Karin Pipa Angermeyer, etc; Troupers Stu Curtis, Gregg Moore, Paul Blackwell, Patsy Droubay, Hillary Elmore Carrier, and Amsterdam offshoots of the Festival of Fools; Friends Roadshow alums like Linda Anton Curtis, Stan Haywood, and their various friends; The lovely allied ladies of Dublin, Ireland; John Towsen's Physical Comedy Blog; New York's Bindlestiff Family Cirkus -- Not to mention the Parliament-Funkadelic Mob (oops, I just did).

OK, just one --
Katie Duck dedicated this dance to her dear friend Patsy Droubay, who tries to help the children in our recession-plagued times:
Traces of Casualty - Performance/Exhibition with Hannah Joris, Katie Duck and Alfredo Genovesi
5 - 7 October | Friday 19:00 - 22:00 | Saturday 14:00 - 18:00 | Sunday 14:00 - 18:00
Performance - Friday 19:00 - 22:00 (free admission)
Steinbeisser -- Lloyd Hotel & Cultural Embassy - Oostelijke Handelskade 34, Amsterdam

(Above) Partial image from the performance. See more at
Day-UM -- That pale makeup sure reminds me of the Mime Troupe daze -- Webmaster Michael highly approves!

Back to it, Mike --

How Late Do You Have To Be Before You're Absent?

Next for Katie and Alfredo:
October 28 Sunday 14:30 Utrecht Jong, Jonger, Jongst Performance
Iris van Peppen and Katie Duck (dance) with Alfredo Genovesi (guitar and electronics) Grand Hotel Karel V Geertebolwerk 1 Utrecht, Holland

November 4 Sunday 15:30 zaal 100 Cafe Amsterdam Alfredo Genovesi (electric guitar and electronics) Katie Duck and Melvin Fraenk (dance)

THIS Duck is flying North next month:

In.Da.Work.S presents: Improvisation workshop with (Magpie) Katie Duck (dance/performance) and Alfredo Genovesi (musician/performance)
For Professional performers and musicians or students in pro training / Venue in Glasgow TBC Price: £90/ student £80 / early bird discount -- if booked before October 15 (£80 full price / £70 students) November 23, 24, 25 Friday 18:00 to 21:00 / Saturday and Sunday 11:00 to 17:00 / The workshop will end with an informal showing in the venue.
Interested? Contact:

Katie & Alfredo will conduct their Christmas Workshop in Amsterdam too.

Summer Fun in Amsterdam

Webmaster Michael went to William Sutton's Shakespeare Karaoke on a night off -- Lord Burghley's spy took this picture of Michael in the audience, wearing one of his infamous baseball hats:

ALL the Programs from the Festival of Fools -- 1975 to 1984.
An online collection of the programs from the Festival of Fools -- searchable, downloadable PDFs. (Thanks to Ed Baker, Marion Onnekink, Cor Schlösser, Sherif El Safourny, and T.I.N.)

Duck Allies

Sharon Smith and Gob Squad toured the West Coast of the USA with their interactive take on Warhol's goofy film The Kitchen.

I Am A Fish!

26, 27 October 2012, 20: 30 The Veem Theatre of diemenstraat 410 1013 CR Amsterdam Maps are available through the website of the Veem Theatre Idea, dance, text: Lily Kiara text in cooperation with Michiel Klein Nulent music: one musician plays every evening: 26 October-Michael Moore: clarinet, saxophone 27 October-Felicity Provan: trumpet, voice light design: Ellen Knops Advice: Jeroen Fabius

(Below) Carla Behal performing Violenca in Amsterdam:

Iris van Peppen also leads a dance improvisation company in Utrecht, and she shot this wonderful photo featuring another Magpie collaborator, Susan Van Den Berg:

Katie's Indian Ambassador Abhilash Ningappa on video:

Jaina Cavendish choreographed this video awhile back -- wonder how'd she'd do this kind of thing after Magpie's 2012 Summer Workshop?

Guido Van Hout learned a lot at Magpie's 2011 Summer Workshop, and is "taking it to the streets!"

What else is Abhilash up to?

Kristina Norri (Above, with Alfredo and Kage) tells about her recent and upcoming work:
I worked in Seefestspiele Carmen as a dancer (choreographer called Marc Bogaerts) and next month I will make a short production called Tuulipukudisco with a Finnish choreographer called Pauliina Silvennoinen.

Manuela Tessi performed in Monique Cornwell's Six Songs Part IV -- The Raven at Maarten Luther Kerk in Amsterdam on October 25.

Footsbarn Theatre & Associates

Footsbarn stopped in Holland and England during their tour of The Indian Tempest -- that big truck behind FB's rig is owned by the UK chain-store Marks and Spenser.

The Improfessionals are starting a new season, with Clara McBride (R) back in the lineup after giving birth last Winter.

Daniel Rovai, Jimmy Sernesky, Stan Haywood, and other veteran Fools livening up the Palace of Depression:

Nouveau Clowns

Johnny Melville (center) has been teaching workshops in Spain, Holland, and also making movies.

Jango's head seems to be in the same ol' place it's always been, and is touring Europe with Cristi Garbo (Right); At the Left is Nouveau Clown and ex-cop Claudia Cantone -- her husband probably shot Jango -- uh, this picture!

Nouveau Clown "Pipa" is now named Karin Angermeyer:

Pipa's recent tour wended its way back through Ireland temporarily.

Sean Bergin (1948 - 2012)

Here's Sean, holding his daughter Thembi, at Friends Farm near Milan Michigan circa 1975, with Stanley Ted Edwards, Michael Novotny, and an un-named neighbor:

Across The Blue Horizon

Trouper Stuart Curtis is playing music in Corvallis, Oregon -- that photo below belongs to HIM!

Speaking of the trombone, Trouper Gregg Moore, with his still-new Masters Degree from Harvard, is teaching around Arcata, California!

Look and listen to Gregg's "Ratty Old Tapes" on Relevant Music.
Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe; Friends Big Band; Available Jelly; and even MOORE to come.

Joan Merwin (R) re-united with Celia McCarthy (L) in Fools Unlimited at the NY Clown Theatre Festival.

Cowgirl Tricks' Karen Quest toured the fairgrounds of the hot dry Western USA all summer and into the Autumn.

Check out scholar John Towsen's wonderfully fun Craft and Art of Physical Comedy NOTE: John organized the NY Clown Theatre Festival (above).

The Bindlestiff Family Cirkus are touring the Eastern USA, and running their variety cabaret at Dixon Place in New York.

Percussionist Linda Anton Curtis in Florida:

Watch for Mandy Dalton and the Washington D.C. Clown's Cabaret too!

Classic Parliament-Funkadelic & Funky Disciples:

Uncle Jam wants YOU to register, and to vote for the only presidential candidate who will fight at all for us in the 99% (Now where have I seen a picture of that guy before?)

Shaunna Hall's Electrofunkadelica -- Tune in and listen while you surf the 'Net!

Besides the P-Funk All-Stars, keep your eyes open for the Eric McFadden Trio and RonKat Spearman's Katdelic from San Francisco; Graceful dancer Rasa Vitalia around The 'Bay; Kim Manning from the West Coast; Richie "Shakin" Nagan and the 420 Funk Mob out of New York. Freekbass touring out of Cincinnati, home of community activist William (Bootsy) Collins; PFAS lead singer Steve Boyd's solo work; Caddy Carol & Gabe (420) Gonzales gigging out of Detroit; Maceo Parker (Everywhere); DJ Soul Sister in New Orleans; Lady Miss Kier Kirby out of NYC -- touring in Europe this spring!

Webmaster Michael's E-Portfolio -- Check out DANCE HISTORIES!

(This blog continues to be be updated after the initial publication date.)