Thursday, April 29, 2010

Which Jango is Jango?

Jango runs the Nouveau Clown Institute in Barcelona, Spain --
but is the institute actually producing CLONES?

From the Star Wars chapters of Wikipedia: Jango Fett ... serves as the genetic template for Boba Fett, all troops in the Clone Army, and subsequently the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine.

Jango Fett was portrayed by Temuera Morrison in the film Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and the video games: Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Star Wars: Battlefront II and Star Wars: Republic Commando, Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron, in the PSP version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Lego Star Wars The Video Game. Bob Marshall portrayed Fett in a commercial but the voice was provided by an unknown actor ILM filmed for Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Jeff Bennett portrayed Fett in the video games: Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter. Fett also makes a cameo appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4. He was played by Andrew Chaikin in the video game Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.
Fett also appears in the comic books Jango Fett, Jango Fett: Open Seasons, and the Toys "R" Us promotional comic Full of Surprises.
Jango Fett appeared in the Star Wars Adventures books: Jango Fett vs. The Razor Eaters, The Shape Shifter Strikes, and Warlords of Balmorra. The character was also in the Jedi Readers book Jango Fett: Bounty Hunter and in Boba Fett: The Fight to Survive and of course Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones by Patricia Wallace.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

MAY The Force be with Katie Duck in Italy!

Digital reinterpretation of Katie's Profiles dance piece. Faux-projections from her website by Ilaria Honsinger.

May 7-10 workshop Milan, Italy
Talka - performance May 8

Talka is an improvising group -- check out their website.
(It's in Italian, strangely enough!)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

On the Upwind Side of the Ash Cloud

Stuart Curtis (according to his Facebook page) will be appearing with Corvallis' own Hilltop Big Band this coming Saturday 4/24, 7:30-10:00 pm. Free dance lessons start at 6:45 pm. The event is a benefit for AHIC: A Home in the Community. This is a group that is promoting Partnering with Cohousing Communities to create subsidized rental opportunities for low-income adults with disabilities. See you there!

From AHIC's Website: Finding a house that feels like "home" can be difficult for anyone. For a person whose physical and financial resources are limited due to severe disabilities, it can be even harder. A Home In Community is a 501(c)3 status non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation. We help people with disabilities fulfill their dream of living in communities where they benefit from daily connections with others, while having opportunities to support and give back to the community where they live. We do this by: Educating communities and people living with disabilities about the benefits of living in community together. Providing information and support that makes it happen. Partnering with Cohousing Communities to create subsidized rental opportunities for low-income adults with disabilities.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Only An Act Of God Could Stop Ernst Reiseger

Digital mashup of the North Atlantic and Europe from space, with volcanic clouds erupting up into Earth's atmosphere from the ground.

According to his Facebook page:
I was mentioned in the New York Times because I missed my own concert at Carnegie Hall yesterday (due to vulcanic ashes). I guess I should perform more No-Shows in order to boost 'my career.'

'Way to have a sense of humor about a bad situation, Ernst!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Further Around the Globe with Katie Duck

From Portraits, as performed by Alfredo Genovesi and Katie Duck (foreground) with associated dancers (midground) in Amsterdam, Holland circa 2009. Projected images by Ilaria Honsinger.

Katie Duck -- Workshop and Performance at Schwelle 7 Berlin, Germany Monday - Friday, April 12 to 16, 2010, 12 am - 6pm

From Schwelle 7's Website:
"Over the past 10 years (Katie's) workshops have been titled “Improvisation” in order to emphasis her views on theater as a live art form reflective of how she executes her own professional performances. Her research is placed in practice with lectures containing her recent interest in brain studies and film ...

Katie’s workshops are aimed toward all dancers, performers and musicians. She does not aim to provide a technique or style for how one conducts them-self in a live performance. Her work is relevant for any performance situation without discrimination for levels or performance platforms. She does ask that anyone who chooses to study with her have an intense interest in the work and is willing to experiment and take risks with the material she offers.

Her warm-up and exercises emphasis how the eyes and the ears work in co ordination with movement, sound and exposure to gathered crowds altering our perception of time, space, feelings and emotions. Improvisation sessions revolve around the terms pause, flow, exit, choice and presence with discussions articulating play, memory and intuition.

(Katie's) aim is to provide a situation where artists can practice together and grow in confidence toward public performances with an objective to clarify that improvisation is not the antitheses of choreography or composition, but rather the way choreography and composition can be executed. She promotes to her students that the mental connection to the practice of improvisation can be accessed weather they are doing set or open framed performance pieces and that the definitions of what improvisation within art practices means today needs to be reflective to advances in brain-studies and technology.

For the workshop at Schwelle 7 Katie will be accompanied by Musician Alfredo Genovesi.

On Saturday, April, 17 at 8:30 pm, Katie Duck will show the solo performance Portraits alongside with a piece developed with participants of the workshop during the week."

Next on her very busy schedule:

April 23-May 2 Seoul, Korea, 10th Seoul International Dance Festival

May 7-10 Workshop Milan, Italy
Talka - Performance May 8

Friday, April 9, 2010

Ernst Reiseger -- A Fine Fellow on the Cello!

Ernst Reiseger sent me almost a dozen photos from one of the very last performances by The Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe in 1980. (L to R) George was working with Otto, Katie had moved to Florence with Tristan, and Ernst was working with Sean Bergin, which he still does on occasion. (Michael Moore would come along with these three for a later gig in Berlin.)
Ernst writes: I guess they have been taken in Rome, Teatro In Trastevere. There is one name ... Dominique Vérin, maybe the person who took the photo.

Katie is working in County Devon, England this weekend, in her old haunts at Dartington Hall, near Totnes and the lovely village of Buckfastleigh. Ernst is enroute to Portugal, but he took the time to contribute his photos to the Great Salt Lake Mime Troupe Saga before he left.

Thanks a million, Ernst! I will make a full web page featuring all these photos very, very soon.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Katie Duck -- Flying 'Round The Globe

Katie Duck is traveling to England this upcoming week.
First the sprawling city of Manchester in the industrial Midlands (large circle), and then visiting her old haunts at Dartington Hall near Totnes and Buckfastleigh (small circle) at the foot of rural Dartmoor in the county of Devon.

April 3-4 Workshops Manchester

April 10-11 Workshop Devon England

Look where else The Road is taking her:

April 12-17 Workshop + Performance Berlin Schwelle 7

April 23-May 2 Seoul, Korea, 10th Seoul International Dance Festival

May 7-10 Workshop Milan, Italy
Talka - Performance May 8